Call 2 Follow Up Q&A:
Question: Can a vendor be in more than one category?
Answer: One service cannot be attached to more than one category or subcategory.
Use the Search Tags Feature and a descriptive Custom Category to help your visitor understand and find all the services offered by that Business Advocate.
If on person two vastly different services - an attorney who also does party planning for example, create two contacts and organize them appropriately in 5-Star. This will result in two contacts in myClients with the same "person" inside them, but will be a better experience for your website visitor.
Specific Example 1:
I have my barber in a barber shop and also the owner of the barber shop is a friend as well.
Is there a way to enter the barber shop and the barber's in that same contact or should we create a different contact for each person under the barber shop name?
Video Answer:
I recommend two contacts.
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