Send an email to let everyone know who won! Follow steps 1 and 2 below to send your Fun Day Monday Winner email to your flagged Fun Day Monday contacts.
Step 1: Download the Email Template
1. In the top menu, hover over Settings. Click on Email Templates
2. Locate the months winner template
Title: Fun Day Monday (Month Year) Winner
*** If you are unable to locate the winner template, CLICK HERE for a walkthrough on locating & downloading email templates from Samples.
3. Scroll down and add the winners name. (Replace any red text). Then click Save
Step 2: Send the Email
1. In the top menu, hover over Contacts and choose ClientTouch
2. Click on Add Contacts tab
3. Under the Add by Flag section, select the 7E - Fun Day Monday Flag
4. Click on the Action Tab once your group is added
5. Select Email Blast
6. Click on the (Select an Email Template) drop down
7. Locate the Fun Day Monday Winner Template you edited
If needed, use the search button to search for the template
8. Scroll through your email one last time. When ready hit Send Blast Now
You can use the Schedule This Blast feature to send out your email at a later date.
If you need additional help:
Please contact your Support team:
We are happy to help :)
800-950-7325 Ex 3401
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