1. Overview
A more personal way to keep in touch with past clients is the By Referral Only Letter From The Heart™. This letter allows your contacts to see you as a person. Remember, people will do business with you because of what you do. People will refer business to you because of who you are. Opening up to your clients on a personal level may be new for you, but you’ll be amazed at the response you get. This is an especially good technique to use with your Aspiring Advocates and Advocates, although we encourage you to send it to everyone.
2. How it Works
Your email will go out once a month.
3. How to Implement
- Flag clients with appropriate flag, “7E – Letter from the Heart”. (This is the group that is approved to receive a monthly email message on your behalf.)
- Email request to the By Referral Only support team so they can review your records, and “launch” this program.
4. Important Information
Once the program is implemented, emails will automatically go out from your MyClients account once a month.
5. Success Indicators
- People forward/share your letter with family, colleagues, and friends.
- People email, call, or write to you, saying how much they appreciated receiving your email.
- People give you referrals.
6. Your Investment
Identify group to receive, and ensure email addresses are clean and up-to-date. (TIME)
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