This tutorial will show you how to send an email directly to an individual contact in your myClients CRM.
1. First navigate to the contact record of the individual you wish to send an email to. Then click on the Actions drop-down menu at the top of the record.
Select Send Email.

2. Select the email template you wish to send from the Template drop-down menu - OR - compose an email.
If you are selecting a template from the template drop-down menu, click on the desired template to automatically apply.

4. Once your template has been selected or you have composed your email, click the blue SEND EMAIL button at the bottom.

5. The email will immediately send and a note with access to the individual email analytics will be applied to the record.

If you need additional help:
Please contact your Support team:
We are happy to help :)
800-950-7325 Ex 3401
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